Red Corsairs Helbrute Final Pictures
Since the generous coordinator of
Dreadtober has given us an extra week to add any finishing touches we need to round out our projects. Even though I had this guy "battle-ready' last week, I felt like the model was a little flat overall. I tried to counter that by painting all the trim Boltgun Metal which helped to make it a little more visually exciting, I think. The white also had some highlights added, as well as details on the Dark Angels helmet on the base. Painting that helmet in the colors of my chosen chapter seemed most appropriate since I'm sure this Helbrute will be most often used by my son in opposition to my 1st Legion forces. Thanks to Marc at
Old School Gaming who coordinated this years project and made a cool badge for everyone who participated. Be sure to check out the final post on the
Dreadtober site that will be coming sometime in the next few days, there were a lot of amazing entries this year.

I've been trying to do some photo alterations to make my pictures look more like the miniatures do in real life but obviously I'm not quite there yet ;-)
Awesome work, mate. I'll have a little play with some post-editing tools before posting in the gallery; I think that second photo is much closer to what it must look like!