Imperial Reference Cogitator

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Dredd’s Revenants

Griffin GRF-1N Completed

Our campaign started a few months ago with our mercenary company, Dredd's Raiders, being ambushed by Liao forces while guarding a planet in the Free Worlds League.  Our commander, Joe Dredd, and the rest of our mercenary colleagues were killed by the Cappellan battlemechs but our lance was rescued by a quick thinking dropship piloting who was fleeing the conquered world.  Regrouping on a nearby Marik planet, we four companions took a a vow to find out who was responsible for betraying our Mercenary company and revenge against house Liao and their armies.  Our unit became Dredd's Revenants as we set out on our mission to avenge our fallen commander and comrades.

When settling on a name for our new mercenary unit, the players picked green and gold and also chose our unit symbol (pirated from some of the many Ultramarines transfer sets I have) of a skull with a red halo.  In between painting my Dark Angels and the Epic Proportions challenge I've also been working on our mercenary unit's mechs.  This Griffin is the first that has been completed.  As I mentioned in an earlier post, this is one of the third edition box set mechs I got way back in 1992 when I first began my journey into the world of Battletech.  These models were made of a notoriously soft plastic that was hard to paint, but with 30 years of accumulated painting knowledge I was able to give it a look I was happy with.  

I used Dark Angels Green contrast paint for most of the base coat, with highlights of Warpstone glow and Moot green.  The gold portions were Balthazar gold, with highlights of Retributor gold.  The back pack for this mech had long ago been misplaced so taking a page from Spacecow Smith I sculpted one of of green stuff and a tank tread from a Leman Russ.  It's not an exact match but I feel like it fits the general look enough to be suitable for the tabletop.  Thanks for following along with my notes on our campaign and hopefully I'll be able to crank out some Epic posts to help fill in some more content that has been slow of late.

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