Imperial Reference Cogitator

Monday, May 27, 2024

40K2ndAC III Flashback - 1st Month (January 2022)

Codicer Astrovel & Lexicanum Daskhorael

The firestorm background is soooooo METAL!

Catching up on past challenge entries that did not get posted due to interference from the warp, here are two Librarians from my Dark Angels army.  Codicer Astrovel is a model I've owned since '99 and it was a great pleasure to get him painted and added to my army.  I printed out banners from the Angels of Death codex but due to the use of extra long RT era banner poles I added extra tabbards with the Dark Angels chapter symbol below the heraldry of the librarian's rank.  This post is a great reminder that I need to add that scan of the banners from the 2nd edition codex to my banners page to add to the resources available.

      You can read them here along with several other fantastic entries from month 1 of season III:  

Season V of the challenge is underway and has a new home at:

"It is I, Prince Vlad of Wallachia!  Please do me the honor of visiting my mountaintop castle"

Codicer Astrovel – Level 2 Librarian – 130 points
Force Axe, Plasma Pistol, Aegis Suit 

Lexicanum Daskhorael – Level 1 Librarian – 63 point
Force Sword, Bolt Pistol