Imperial Reference Cogitator

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Blood Bowl WIP II

 Match Ready

The two catchers on my team have had their base coats applied along with an all over wash of Reikland Flesh shade.

My long held dream of playing in a Blood Bowl league is finally reaching fruition.  Some friends and our kids are the participants and we kicked off the season with our first matches last weekend.  There are only five participants for our inaugural season but that's enough for us to all get some games in against a variety of opponents.  In the fall I'd like to run a season with more players concurrent to the American football season so this spring season will be great practice for that endeavor.  Follow along after the jump for more pictures of my human team, the Wolfenburg Steelers.

Still working on the base coats for these models, I've been experimenting with painting some shirts white and some black on my lineman for a little home/away uniform contrast.

Although I bought the 2016 revival of BB, I didn't do much with it for a few years until last fall when my son was old enough to play.  Once we were playing regularly, the fun of the game had me excited to revive my teen dreams from long ago of playing in a league.  I took the game over to a friends house in October and after one game he was hooked and bought the new edition when it came out in December.  His sons also each painted a team and with that we had our five players ready for our first league.  The league kicked off as soon as the weather improved enough for us to play games outside.  We have two ork teams, one elf team, one human team, and one Necromantic Horror team.  The undead seem like the early contenders for the championship as they have quickly gone 2-0 in our early games.

I had lofty goals when hobby season started of painting two or three players a month and I was hoping to have two fully painted teams before the league started.  Life had other plans and most of my painting time each month is taken up by the 40K2ndAC II so I have not had as much time for side projects as I hoped.  Now that the league is underway and I'm trying to get two teams on the field, one for me and one for my son, I have altered some of GW's current nomenclature to fit my needs.  Since "Battle Ready" is only half applicable for BB, I have chosen the title of this post "Match Ready" as my buzzword for painting my BB minis.  For me that's defined as getting all the base coats on and then washing the models all over with Reikland Fleshshade.  As the two models at the top of the post show, it seems to be a good compromise for now to be happy with the team I'm putting on the field from an appearance perspective.  Hopefully that way I can get my team and my sons looking decent for in game photos and than go back and do the details after the basics are finished.  Thanks for reading and stay safe out there.

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