Imperial Reference Cogitator

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

40K2ndAC V - Month 4 Complete! (May 2024)

 Ragnak Gutzsmashah, Rabidfang's Stunties, & Da Ragewhacka

Continuing my trend of Ork names that could easily be 80's metal bands this month we have Evil Sunz Mekboy Ragnak Gutzsmashah and the wartrak Da Ragewhacka.  The spinning maelstrom that is the Eye of Terror has spat us out this week in the actual present day.  These fine Orky gentlemen and their horseless carriage were my May entry for the current 2nd edition army challenge which is on its 5th season this year.  This year's trusty coordinator should be posting all of May's entries on his great blog very soon over at The Wachtmeister's Patrol -

Speaking of the Wachtmeister, I can't wait to jam up his fancy Deathwing Terminators with warp-crazed snotlings beamed through a teleportation tube straight into their armor.  Thanks for dropping by and we will be back soon with more entries from past challenges and a battle report or two to show these great looking armies in action.

Ragnak Gutzsmashah - Evil Sunz Mekaniak, Shokk Attack Gun                      43 points

Rabidfang's Stunties - Evil Sunz Snotlings, 3 x Snotling Bases               15 points

Da Ragewhacka - Evil Sunz Wartrak, Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters               50 points