Imperial Reference Cogitator

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

3rd Squad, 4th Company

Tactical Squad Peliel Part II

Since I mentioned my aversion to painting bare heads in an earlier post, you know one of the first things I did was head swap the sergeant.

Like the Sex Pistols repeatedly selling the same songs on albums with different names, I'm revisiting the third squad with detailed pictures of their finished paint jobs.  Since I dove deep into 40K history and the reasons behind my middlehammer unit markings in the first post about this unit, now I can do what people normally do on these sorts of blogs, namely post pictures of miniatures and talk about paint.  So follow along after the jump if you read the first artcle about this unit and kept shouting at your computer screen, "but when is he going to tell us what color green that is!"

Yes, that triangular chain blade is from the RTB-01 set I received for Christmas when I was 12, one of a few bits in my box that dates back to 1989.  Of course I put it on one of the two Mark VI helmeted marines.

For push to fit starter box miniatures these highly detailed marines have come along way since the single pose marines of the 2nd edition Warhammer 40,000 box set.

Im glad I learned about decal solvent before I tried to overlay these on the tactical squad arrows.

The armor is Caliban Green, Nuln Oil recess wash, Moot Green and Warpstone glow edge highlights.

Reds are Mephiston Red, Carroburg Crimson wash, Wild Rider Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet edge higlights.

I thought for a while I was painting my weapons in the early 90s GW house style but then I went back and reread my old WD's and it turns out my memory had exaggerated it even beyond the "red period" days.

The army group markings commemorate the one occasion I fought my regular nemesis to a stalemate.

Back banners have always been part of my love of the game, even if they have passed slightly out of fashion.  Like the dreadnought for this company I painted for Dreadtober, I mixed the current company designation (black and white checks over a field of bone) with the squad number in yellow to tie into the old company designation scheme.  The battle honors in the corners are from the Dark Angels transfer sheet.


  1. Man I looove those colours! I think you did a fantastic job. My chaos force sports red bolters and trims and would have been a fantastic opposition for these guys - even sporting Cypher. But I suppose the distance is a bit prohibitory! Haha!

    1. Thanks Dr The Viking! It's probably becoming obvious why your Epic Army challenge project calling back to the glory days of early 90's GW appealed to me so much :-)
