Imperial Reference Cogitator

Friday, January 22, 2021

40K 2nd Edition Army Challenge Final Month WIP

 Characterful Sculpts Require A Lot Of Painting...

In the strange vagaries of the -blog publishing/photo taking/progress on a project- warp of the space time continuum, here are pictures from a few days ago that are for a challenge with a due date a few days from now.  Now that we've accelerated to the verbal equivalent of ludicrous speed, a few words about the models in question.  Both of these models have been in my collection since the late 90's, but due to my earlier expressed worries about painting character models, these two have been unpainted for 20 years.  However as my recent musings on the army challenge have pondered, in the end I think this will only benefit me since my painting skills have finally caught up to what I wanted them to be at the time I actually purchased these models.  Plus since they were second edition models that were still on the pegs at the start of third edition, they were perfect character models for my entry in 40K 2nd Edition Army Challenge.  All that being said, there are a lot of tiny details on these models to finish up in the last few days before the deadline and then I need to take a dramatic full army picture for the close of the challenge.  After that, in March it will be onto Season 2 of the 2nd edition army challenge!


  1. I was desperate to paint that Dark Angels Master this challenge but never got around to it! I keep looking at him on my table and can't decide how to do it (I have been doing that for over 20 years too...). I can't wait to see your final army shot, bravo!!

    1. Thanks Marc, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with some long unpainted models. The final month of the challenge should be pretty spectacular. I want to see that awesome Land Raider of yours next to your Deathwing Terminators.
