Imperial Reference Cogitator

Monday, August 31, 2020

40k 2nd Edition Army Challenge First Month Completed

 Combat Squad Zanthor 

Pictures like these make me think the whole Goblin Green bases we nostalgically love so much were just a photographic expediency because every table at the White Dwarf studio in 1990 was covered in bright green flock.

The first month pf the 2nd Edition Army challenge is in the bag and it was a lot of fun.  My army has always been in a color scheme that predates even 2nd edition, and my Space Marine weapons have been painted in a style that slightly exaggerates the already bright weapons of the "Red Period" of GW studio army painters so this challenge was the perfect fit for my style.  The community of painters in the challenge has been very fun to interact with since everyone shares a love of the old models and painting schemes.  

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Spaceships Are Not Supposed To Be This Close Together Part XII

 Digital Edition Part 2

Your Fangs have to fly the rescue when the smallest member of your squadron flies under the Ghost.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Battle Mallet Monday

 Episode 28 - Hex Ed - It's Morgin' Time

Episode 28 continues with the new format (ie episodes about just one game subject: AOS, WH40K, Underworlds) and has lots of hobby and gaming talk about Underworlds.  

Battle Mallet is a great podcast by four longtime gamers who talk about GW games and the surrounding hobby with an emphasis on balancing our hobby time and real life (marriage, kids, etc).  A lot of the podcast talks about GW's Underworld and the four podcasters annual trip to the Nova Open.  There's also plenty of content about AOS, 40K, and GW news as well as painting and the four principals attempts to grow a community for Underworlds in their local area.  There is also a fun discord community centered around the podcast with some great friendly chats about painting, games, and all aspects of the hobby.  You can find the links for the Discord server on the main podcast website.


The Battle Mallet Podcast 

Battle Mallet Instagram

Battle Mallet Facebook Page

Battle Mallet Podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts. 

Saturday, August 22, 2020


 Minifinity War - Pregame

First Row - X-men in order of their comics first appearances.  Second, Third, and Fourth Row - Marvel MCU characters in order of their movie debuts.

My son spent the first two hours of his Saturday watching cartoons and using his MCU encyclopedia and Ultimate Guide to the X-Men to put all his Marvel minifigures in order of appearance.  Cue obvious jokes about spherical fruit descending not far from arborial progenitor of said fruit. 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Finished ... For Real This Time

 The Iron Gauntlet Advances... In A Rearward Direction?

I wanted to show off all the squadron markings plus the newly completed command tank but it does look like he ordered an advance and doesn't know the rest of the company decided otherwise.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

2nd Edition Army Challenge August WIP

Squad Zanthor and Characters Progress 

Progress marches along on the first month of the 2nd edition army challenge.  

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Bonfires Of The Imagination



Pages like these in White Dwarf or rulebooks of the time fed my intense interest in the minutiae of the grimdark.  I imagined for years what I would paint on my Titan banners and now thanks to the Epic Proportions challenge I will get to try my hand at them with the two Warlords I have acquired so far for the project.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Battle Mallet Monday Catch-up

 Episodes 25, 26, and 27

The chaos of our current existence has left me remiss in highlighting one of my favorite podcasts about all things Games Workshop.  Battle Mallet has produced a few great episodes in the last couple of months if you need something to listen to while painting your way through the mounds of grey plastic.

Episode 25 was my favorite of the latest batch of episodes and what I've been waiting for since I started listening to this podcast - two hours of talk about nothing but WH40K!  The guys had a long, interesting, and entertaining discussion about all their thoughts on 9th edition.

Episode 26 discusses the sad cancellation of Nova 2020, and also has lots more talk about the Indomitus box set.

Episode 27 unveils a new format and gets back to the main love of the podcast, Underworlds.  The boys talk about all things Shadespire with a special guest.

Battle Mallet is a great podcast by four longtime gamers who talk about GW games and the surrounding hobby with an emphasis on balancing our hobby time and real life (marriage, kids, etc).  A lot of the podcast talks about GW's Underworld and the four podcasters annual trip to the Nova Open.  There's also plenty of content about AOS, 40K, and GW news as well as painting and the four principals attempts to grow a community for Underworlds in their local area.


The Battle Mallet Podcast 

Battle Mallet Instagram

Battle Mallet Facebook Page

Battle Mallet Podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

Inquisitional Conclave Week 2

WIP - Inquisitor Jorus Rhyloth, Ordo Xenos

Moving right along with this figure, I added shades to all the colored and metallic portions of the model this week.  The robes and black armor panels were also edge highlighted.  I used Incubi Darkness and Sotek Green for the black highlights for the first time and I really like how they turned out.  I highlighted the red all the way up to Fulgrim Pink, but I may go over the robes with Bloodletter glaze to mute the brightness a little.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Facebook Trading Groups Can Be A Dangerous Place

My Burgeoning Insanity 

The chaplain is on the sprue out of frame to the right.

I had been successful in resisting the siren call of Indomitus so far, the bikes didn't get me excited and I wasn't going to spend $200 plus to get the new rules and end up with a bunch of Necron stuff I was trying to find a home for.  However then social media struck a blow for the power of plastic crack.  While I was perusing my feed last Thursday, I saw a Facebook trading post minutes after it went online and the seller was in a town 30 minutes from me.  Usually I am hesitant to buy unless I see an amazing deal because dealing with extra costs for shipping can be a hassle and I'm waiting for the day when someone doesn't hold up there end of a deal negotiated on Facebook. However the seller was close enough to meet in person and was offering the parts of the box set I was most interested in. After some negotiating over messenger for some extra models not in the original offer, I was in a parking lot three hours later exchanging money for miniatures.  The crack comparisons are not unwarranted...

Follow along after the jump for a full accounting of the haul and a hobby challenge I need some advice on

Friday, August 7, 2020

4th Squad, 4th Company

Tactical Squad Azreath

Squad Azreath advances through the purple blossomed forests of Prismata IV

Just to confuse things further, this week's feature post isn't for any of the three painting challenges I'm involved in for the month of August.  I had the chance to play my first in person 40K in months as a Father's Day present so I put my work on the Epic miniatures back in June on pause in order to finish a unit for my army that has been close to completion for awhile.  Follow along after the jump for many, many more pictures and the story behind this squad...

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Inquisitional Conclave Week 1

WIP Jorus Ryloth, Inquisitor of the Imperium, Ordo Xenos

I got the basecoats on and started to shade the model this week.  Also added a genestealer skull to emphasize the Ordo Xenos narrative to the model.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

40k 2nd Edition Army Challenge

Painting overload... 

When you engage in three painting challenges in a month, you have to take some shortcuts like finally finishing some long half painted miniatures...

Dr The Viking is organizing another painting challenge concurrent to the Epic Proportions challenge that is already ongoing and like a fool I am jumping in with both ceramite clad feet.  So for those of you counting along at home, in the month of August I'm engaging in three separate painting challenges. This will be just a quick post to kick off the challenge and let everyone know what I'm painting for the project.  Follow along after the jump for the full army list and more pictures...

Saturday, August 1, 2020

August 2020 Inquisitional Conclave Entry

Inquisitor Jorus Rhyloth

This frightening gentleman is my entry for the inaugural year of the Inquisitional Conclave run by the excellent Neverness over at The Neverness Hobby Chronicle, a great blog that celebrates wide breadth of the WH40K universe.  Neverness is coordinating a challenge this month to paint an Inquisitor model and with good fortune I managed to pick up a likely candidate on eBay this summer.  I had never seen this model but Neverness helped with some information on the origins of this model which was originally sold as a space marine with tabard.  The combination of the robe, beard, and massive power sword, in my opinion, make this mini a perfect aspirant to the Ordo Xenos.  His background is a little sparse right now, other than his name which is drawn from one of my favorite Star Wars EU villians combined with the name of my favorite city of the Old Ones that rises from the seas when it hears the call from beyond the stars.  I love painting old pieces of GW history and I have never painted an Inquisitor before so this is going to be a fun challenge.  I'll attempt to update my progress here weekly and make sure to see the other great entries at The Neverness Hobby Chronicle.  Thanks for following.